Category Archives: Self Development

Managing with a growth mindset

Carol Dweck’s “Mindset” which I have recommended to quite a few people takes this subject of mindset up in much greater detail. My personal interest in the topic comes from the fascination that I have developed in the subject of parallels between Leadership and Parenting. But this article focusses on the matter of mindset as it pertains to the work-place and specifically, the pit-falls that “fixed mindset” managers risk. I have seen some very good managers suffer from this blind spot to varying degrees – especially that of staying anchored on a negative first impression of one’s capabilities. This, multiplied by a tendancy to size people/situations up in a hurry can cause potentially disastrous effects in organizations with such managers.

I also like the fact that this article provides practical tips for managers who recognize this about themselves and want to foster a flexible/growth mindset.

PS: One word of caution for people who are thinking of reading the full book by Carol Dweck. I found the reading to be fairly tedious at times….engaging in extreme repitition of the central theme and also over-selling it at times. But there’s no denying the value of the concept itself and the “action-ability” of the learnings that one gets from the book.


To Realise Workforce Potential, Manage with a Growth Mindset

During the past three decades, research pioneered by Stanford University professor Carol Dweck has accumulated a vast literature on “implicit person theories”. These are peoples’ assumptions – known as mindsets – about the malleability of personal attributes such as intelligence and personality. It has become well-established that mindsets affect how people think, feel and act in achievement situations.

About 45% of the children in Dweck’s studies, and 50% of the managers in studies by Peter Heslin, a professor of management at the Australian School of Business, were found to hold the fixed mindset that, essentially, people tend not to change much over time.

Roughly the other half of the population – those with a growth mindset – focus more on how the personal attributes that guide behaviour are quite malleable by life experiences such as education, challenges and developmental relationships.

A recent series of studies led by Heslin looked into the implications of fixed mindsets and how they can be changed. This research aims to address damaging employee reactions including demoralisation, disengagement, absenteeism and turnover, and a sense that they are not being given a “fair go” by their manager.

“It turns out that managers with a fixed mindset tend to demoralise everyone, including themselves,” says Heslin, who leads the EMBA Managerial Skills course at the Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM).

“It’s imperative to recognise how readily a vicious cycle can be created by anchoring on a negative first impression of someone’s performance capabilities,” he says. “A person’s initial achievements in a role are often not predictive of what they are ultimately able to achieve. Employees resent feeling unsupported and underestimated. Imagine how frustrating it would be to be managed by someone who did not believe in your potential to improve your performance or advance in your career?”

Managers with a fixed mindset can also be dysfunctional in how they deal with top performers. “After categorising someone as a star, a fixed mindset can lead managers to not recognise when remedial action is needed,” Heslin says.

“For instance, what if someone who was once a high performer in a nuclear power plant – which is where we conducted our initial research on the role of mindsets in organisations – was no longer performing adequately. Having been categorised as a star performer by a manager with a fixed mindset can prevent an employee’s currently inadequate performance from being recognised and acted upon. The implications could be catastrophic in this context, as in other arenas such as the medical, military and security industries when competent performance is imperative for human safety and wellbeing.”

Everyone is Not Equal

“Sure you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear – not anyone can become anything and some people have more innate ability in certain areas than others. Our research is nonetheless revealing that it is dangerous and often costly for managers to focus primarily on that and thus lock people into a particular performance category, regardless of whether it’s winner, loser, dud, or superstar. Sustained attentiveness to employees’ scope for performance improvement through suitable coaching and developmental experiences is a much more productive approach.”

Beginning in 1995, Dweck and her colleagues reported that students with a fixed mindset developed deeply encoded evaluative labels for others (such as lazy or intelligent) based on hearing an anecdote about a single behaviour. She theorised that these labels acted as an anchor that was resistant to change.

In a series of studies published in 2005, a collaboration between Heslin, Gary Latham from the University of Toronto and Don VandeWalle of Southern Methodist University found that a fixed mindset blinded managers to variation above or below an employee’s initial performance level. On the other hand, those with a growth mindset were more data-driven, less anchored by past impressions, and therefore more capable of providing an accurate and unbiased appraisal of employee performance.

Subsequent research by Heslin and his colleagues found that employees believed managers with a growth mindset were more willing and capable of providing helpful on-the-job coaching. Intuitively, it makes sense that if fixed-mindset managers were sceptical about employees’ ability to change, they would be unlikely to invest their precious time and resources in coaching their employees.

Heslin’s latest work, again co-authored with VandeWalle and published in the Journal of Management, sheds initial light on how employees react to managers as a function of managers’ mindsets. In short, it shows that when managers hold a growth mindset, employees feel that they receive a more procedurally fair performance appraisal (probably reflecting it being more data-based, accurate and supplemented with coaching). Employees will thus be more committed and willing to go the extra mile for their organisation – outcomes that are well known to have significant business benefits.

Can a Growth Mindset Be Grown?

A growth mindset can be systematically developed within individuals and teams, according to Heslin, who has developed and refined a workshop program during the past decade that is now being deployed within leading Australian organisations. The workshops aim to embed within managers the notion that improvement in employee performance is almost always possible, given the plasticity of the human brain and that virtually everyone’s skills can be honed to some extent with suitable guidance, encouragement and deliberative practice.

“The process is key,” Heslin says. “It’s easy to read that change is almost always possible and say, ‘Yeah, I agree with all that’. However, recalling instances of intransigent individuals readily hooks managers right back into the limiting fixed mindset. Thus, managers seem to benefit from experiencing a process of deep immersion in the potentiality of a growth mindset. This involves working through the various workshop exercises, rolling up your sleeves and doing it all chapter and verse.”

Katrina King, from resources giant BHP Billiton, is using Heslin’s work on growth mindsets as a key component of the organisation’s Metallurgical Coal Leadership Program, in partnership with AGSM Executive Education. “It has been wonderful to see managers using this latest thinking back in the business to engage stakeholders more effectively,” King says.

Colleen Durant, head of leadership and talent at banking group Westpac, says: “The focus on objectively assessing employees’ contributions – what they have actually achieved in the past six to 12 months – as opposed to labelling employees as superstars (or not), builds a more inclusive and respectful work environment.”

Naomi Fox, senior manager at AGSM Executive Education, says “a growth mindset is disarmingly simple to grasp and immediately resonates with managers. The art of developing a growth mindset, before translating understanding into behaviours that engage and inspire people, requires deliberate practice. Organisations that embrace growth mindsets as an essential capability for leaders create a platform for competitive advantage.”

Heslin offers three tips for managers seeking to foster a growth mindset:

– Recognise that initial efforts are not necessarily indicative of what a person can ultimately achieve. Ensure adequate time and other resources are devoted to improving individual and team performance (as well as your own), which almost invariably involves some experimentation, risk and failure. What may have enabled success in the past is often inadequate to meet emerging challenges.

– Avoid focusing primarily on stars or declaring brilliance. This creates a fixed mindset within employees, making them risk averse and concerned with not jeopardising their illustrious status.

– Perhaps most importantly, resist routinely diagnosing people. Focus more on what people have done and are doing, as well as how their strengths can be built upon, rather than on the kind of person they are. Declared stars often fall, but people rarely outperform any negative labels assigned to them. It’s more productive to help people appreciate their actual performance and the viable opportunities to proactively fine-tune it.

A Simple & Light-Weight Approach to developing your annual goals

It is that time of the year….where we get to assess how we’ve done against our 2012 goals and also set some goals for 2013. It’s easy to call them new year resolutions or your annual vision or something even more grandiose than that – for now I will attempt to demystify this activity by simply calling them “Annual Goals”.

I am sure there are a number of us that are not into the habit of setting annual goals. In my own opinion, this is a very healthy habit to get into as quickly as possible. Among other things, it equips you with a compass (or a GPS for the modern day professional or a gen-Y individual!) that directs you as well as keeps you aware of how far you are from the destination. It also forces you to re-calibrate your life, re-assess where you are going and re-shape if you need to. In the worst case, it doesn’t hurt and in the best case, it can re-vitalize how you live life and your approach to things – constantly asking questions of you and possibly, causing enough of a re-think to put you in touch with your calling…..or at least put you on a trajectory that enables a journey to connect with your calling.

I have been doing this exercise over the past few years, but it has been a bit of a soft activity….only a bit better than not doing anything. It has also been an intensely private practice for me with only my closest circle of friends/family getting to know about my goals and almost nobody in full. I happened to be in a program earlier this year where there was a self discovery workshop with a broader scope. Elements of what I learnt there can go into the creation of a framework for this activity – which I would like to describe here. My goal is to make this non-fancy so one can actually do this.

I have tried to define a 4-way framework for the goal setting exercise:
1. Preparation
2. Goal categories and the goals themselves
3. Activities supporting the goals
4. Sounding board and a change management system

1. Preparation
(a) It may be too late for the year 2013 but it would be useful to get this started towards the October/November time-frame where you can start logging your thoughts/notes/observations (about things that are candidates for your annual goals) in raw format. The key is for this to remain in raw format without any judgment of whether it fits or not. I have personally gotten into the habit of keeping two notes “open” from the beginning of the year – one for Year N+1 and one for year N+2. As and when ideas bubble up, I just dump them there. But October would be an optimal time-frame to start because the context is much more current and hence much more relevant.
(b) Perhaps the most important step is the one that happens closer to the end of the year. The last 2 weeks of December are ideal – irrespective of whether you work through those 2 weeks or are vacationing. This is where you take a hard look at yourself, recall what your goals in life are, what is your calling, what gives you joy, who your stakeholders are and what are the steps that you want to take towards them during the following year. You have a nice large list to choose from already. If you force yourself to limit the number of goals to a strict number (3 ideally), you are guaranteed to cut unimportant things out of your goals and keep only the REALLY important ones.
A quick tip for those of us that may not have started on 1(a) is to get it started now and have only one goal – that of firming up your goals by the end of Jan or Feb. You are going to be skewed by 2 months for the coming year, but it doesn’t matter. This is exactly what I did when I started this routine and it worked out just fine.

2. Goal categories and the actual goals
(a) Categories – I have found it useful to have goals under 4 clear categories and it turns out, they remain relevant at all times – irrespective of where you are in your career, where you are in your life, who your key stakeholders are and so on. But it is VERY important to have no more than 3 goals under each category. The easiest thing to do is use the much-abused “AND” conjunction and pack two goals into one, but trust me, this is no more than self-fulfilling prophecy. At the time of setting goals, there’s a strong temptation to become ambitious and pack too many goals but there are two problems with that – (i) they quickly become unrealistic and you get into the habit of setting goals but not meeting them (ii) you don’t force yourself to take out the not-so-important and unimportant things….and that undermines the whole goal-setting exercise.
(b) The categories themselves – this is quite simple if you think of it. But what fits into each category changes with where you are in your life. So, the 4 categories that I would like to advocate are the following. They are very self explanatory and I would not like to blur it further by volunteering unnecessary and obvious verbiage to explain them. The only thing note-worthy is the need to keep Personal and Relationship as two separate categories. Personal can include things like learning some new skills (example music, a new sport, etc.) or routines (do meditation twice a week) or well-defined milestones (example complete a half marathon by Sept 2013). Relationship goals can be related to things like strengthening your bond with the spouse (by engaging in activities – more about this later) or reconnecting with a parent or some such.
Another key is to make sure that these goals are well thought out and clearly connect with what is important for you and your key “stake holders” – the people that matter the most to you.
     (i) Personal
     (ii) Professional
     (iii) Relationship
     (iv) Financial
PS: Your goal of staying away from your smartphone through the evening/night can belong to either the Personal section (to build your abstinence muscle as well as to avoid being interrupt-driven) or to the Relationship section

3. Activities supporting the goals
I have found that the best defined and best meant goals lose their presence on an individual’s radar screen as the year rolls along. Other interrupts and the “tyranny of today” take over. As a second-order detail of integrating your goals into your life and also making time/resource investments appropriately, it is important to firm up activities and routines that support them. Some such examples are:
Goal: Spend more time with your wife
Activities/Routines: 1 date night every month, one visit to the gym together every week
Goal: Learn to play piano
Activities/Routines: Hire a piano teacher by Feb 28, Weekly Piano class and once a week piano practice by myself

4. A Sounding Board/Change Management Team
This is a component of annual goals system that I find missing in most people’s cases …..and the one that has ailed me the most personally. It is EXTREMELY important to get this right – to have a sounding board of 5-6 people that you trust the most and who have the fortitude to hold a mirror to you. It is also important to have diversity in your sounding board – people who have seen you from various vantage pints, people who come from different walks of life and ideally, people from different generations. One strong recommendation is to have at least one spiritually oriented person in the group – someone with a philosophical bent of mind.
Having picked a sounding board, you want to seek the help of your sounding board to
(a) Review your goals with them at the time of establishing them. Remember that they are free to give you feedback on your goals, but you own the goals and you NEVER change your goals to “satisfy” them
(b) Review your goals with them on a periodic basis – no more often than once a quarter
(c) Invite them to offer suggestions/critique as and when they see fit – not just at the time of establishing the goals or at periodic-review time
(d) Set a very high bar that offers resistance to change your goals during the year. This is a bit tricky because you have two conflicting forces to contend with. On the one hand, you have the temptation to change goals to “re-calbirate” them during the year because you are either doing too well against your goals or as is most often the case, you have fallen behind. The other possibility could be that the goal has gone out of context because there have been other developments that have rendered the goal irrelevant. One simple rule of thumb here is to change your goals only in the event of life-events of the scale of a job change or marriage or arrival of a child or some such thing. A terrific finish to a year would be to not change the goals thru the year AND to meet all all of them. You always get the sense that something is lost if you’ve changed your goals along the way. So, to summarize, it is important to strike the right balance between stability and continued relevance as far as the goal-set is concerned.

Hope this helps – it definitely has helped me. I find myself living life a bit more purposefully, free of peer pressures and any such anxieties that can weigh you down and blur your vision. Having annual goals is no elixir to life’s uncertainties and confusions, but it is a good start to focussing on your pursuit and cutting out a lot of noise and clutter that are features of the information-overload-age that we live in.

I have also attached a small template (with some sample goals filled in) that I am going to use to capture and maintain my 2013 goals. Please feel free to use/enhance it.

Click to access Annual%20Goals%20Sample.pdf


Why Physical Fitness is the ultimate discipline

– Fitness is the best discipline training method on earth. If you want to build more discipline into your life, try becoming more fit. If you struggle with being disorganized or unfocused, try working out more, training for a triathlon or doing something physical that has to do with your fitness. You’ll find those experiences are the best discipline training methods on earth.
– Seriously, if you always put limits on what you can do, physical or anything else, it’ll spread over into the rest of your life. It’ll spread into your work, into your morality, into your entire being. There are no limits. – Bruce Lee
– Why Fitness Is The Ultimate Discipline
(a) Fitness is Measurable
(b) Fitness is Physical – It moves you from thinking to doing (editorial: to me, this is the most important factor)
© Fitness is Daily
(d) Fitness is Constant Improvement
(e) Fitness Reflects Your Life